Something was Wrong

We never really realized what we had set out to do until we did it. Usually it was only a quick favor, turning the shoulder so we didn’t see what the others were up to (Do you need to lean on me, you don’t look so good, are you able to stand?). None of us set out to be heros, in fact we didn’t even realize that we were fighting until we found ourselves stumbling home, telling our roommates that It was just another flight of stairs and Yes, I really am that clumsy (I really just bumped my head guys, nothing to worry about, we’ve all done it). Nothing we were doing was dangerous, until the days that we woke up (came back to consciousness, head spinning I’m seeing three of everything) unable to stand. We never realized we were changing. We never had (I’m really not feeling so well, I think that might’ve done more damage than we thought. You got some advil waiting back at base?).

We never realized we had crossed a line, because if we had realized we wouldn’t have done it. Or maybe we would’ve, but we would never tell each other. And that might be why it happened (I don’t know what happened, I looked away for a minute and this…). We never realized that we began to fall apart, that suddenly we would never see each other outside of missions, we were making friends that we had never introduced to each other, that didn’t know what we did in moonlit nights (Hey, I didn’t know there were three of you, I can usually only see two, you want to introduce your new partner to an old friend?).

We never realized that we had missed something, that we had lost each other so completely that it was hard to find ourselves (I don’t think I can walk straight, can you give me a hand? Where are we headed?). We still haven’t realized, until now we see ourselves standing around a coffin on an offensively sunny day, wishing that we knew the person there anymore, wishing that we can say something more poignant, more personal than We should’ve realized something was wrong.


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