
It was a bit harder to get in than they would’ve expected, considering what they found inside. The humans had heavily fortified the surrounding area, and as such this led them to assume that whatever the humans had hidden inside was immensely valuable to them. However, the contents of the facility did not reach those expectations. The humans had clearly been experimenting within, before they quickly fled in order to attempt to outrun the encroaching hordes of the invasion, leaving only their automated defenses to protect the facility. But the insides of the facility were not as high tech as all this fuss and protection would have led the invaders to assume, for all that was found inside was toys. Glimmering, freshly manufactured toys, making loud noises and bright lights flash at the press of a button, waiting for the long fled youth to come to purchase them. Toys so small that they would only fit in the hands of the youngest of the invaders, toys that could cause only the lightest of bruises, and caused more giggles than screams.

So the contents of the building were shipped off, to entertain the youths of mars, leaving the humans of earth quivering in fear as to what the invading aliens wanted with their freshly manufactured rocket launchers.


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