lamp on a wooden platform

She trudged through the pouring rain, increasingly soaked mud sucking her boots into the ground with such force that they nearly popped off her feet with each step. Her toe brushed against a branch, the harsh snapping sound standing out against the droning monotony of the downpour, causing her to cast her eyes about in a near panic. But then, instead of any sign of her pursuer, she saw instead a warm light, quite close by, but just off enough from her path that her tunnel vision had caused her to not notice it before now. So she slowly, but with suddenly regained energy, trudged her way there.

She again lost track of time, until the suddenly unyielding feel of the ground beneath her feet pulled her out of her trance, and she realized that she had reached the wooden planks upon which a single lamp had been set. Or perhaps lamp would not be the best word to describe it, as it towered over the woman, yet the light it emitted only seemed to illuminate the small circle of wood that it sat behind, everything beyond rendered opaquely invisible by the darkness. She reached back out towards the boundary, and her hand met a smooth, solid surface.


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