Opening to a story that I'll continue when I have more free time

It had been a mansion once, before the seaside winds warped the facade. Technically, it still was a mansion, although not one that many people would choose to live in, given the holes in the walls exposing gaps of sea-spray-stained carpeting inside. However, by merit of size alone, I would call it a mansion, and wouldn’t be alone in doing so. 

All the kids in the nearby town—which sat at the intersection of the main thoroughfare of the entire state, and an overly optimistically named ‘central street’—called it their mansion, as had their parents and grandparents before them. It was, functionally, theirs, mostly because as far as nearly anyone in the town knew or cared, the mansion had never been occupied. They knew who owned it. Emil Malcom, the old man who lived in a run down condo on the edge of town had inherited it from his father, but as far as anyone could tell he had never set foot in the place.


  1. Definitely a good one to keep/ explore further !

    1. Glad to hear you enjoyed it! I'm certainly going to keep working on this once schoolwork cools down a little bit :)


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